Have a Happy (NONTOXIC) Holiday!!

 With the holidays upon us, I wanted to share some tips on how to have a nontoxic holiday season! 

Now, I want to acknowledge that things that are toxic to your health come in many shapes and forms: chemicals in, on, and around you as well as things that are toxic to your emotional or mental health. 

With that being said, let’s jump in!

[For the TLDR people: Toxins - holiday lights (look for RoHS, wash your hands), decorations (nontoxic alternatives from nature/DIY), fragrance (opt for EO); Emotional Toxins - financial (practice gratitude, opt for experiences), relationships (practice grace for others and yourself)]

How to have a Happy (NONTOXIC) Holiday!

Toxins In/On/Around 

  • Holiday Lights: These can contain PVC, lead, and antimony. Try to find RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant lights by looking at the sticker/label usually where it details the length, wattage, and if it’s Energy Star certified. Otherwise, take regular precautions and don’t let children play with them and wash your hands after handling. 
  • Decorations: All of the cute decor you find at Marshall’s or Pier1 is not required to be tested for toxins. They can contain heavy metals in the paint and phthalates. Plus, many decorations are plastic and/or not environmentally friendly. Healthier alternatives include fabric/felt decor kids can be involved with and DIY decor: pinecones, dried orange slices, garland, hand-painted ornaments, DIY wreath, etc. I encourage you to explore Etsy and Pinterest!              
  • Fragrance: Our sense of smell is powerful as it can elicit powerful emotions from nostalgia to nausea! This holiday season, don’t buy in to the hype of artificial fragrances! That single word of fragrance/perfume/parfum can contain dozens of toxic ingredients. “Natural fragrance” or “inspired by nature” are forms of greenwashing. Essential oils from a reputable brand are a nontoxic alternative that smell even better than “pumpkin spice” or “winter wonderland!” Keep in mind essential oils are extremely potent and like anything, should not be used in excess. Follow the directions/precautions listed on the bottle: adhere to the dilution ratio (ie. 3-4 drops per 100ml water) and know that some EO are not suitable for children or pets (cinnamon bark!). (I personally use Plant Therapy and love everything I have bought from them!) This also applies to candles made with EO. Look for candles made with either soy wax, coconut wax, or beeswax. The wick should be lead-free and/or 100% cotton. If the candle has a color, look to see if it was made with natural colorants. Lastly, the fragrance should be made from pure/organic essential oils.  

Some candle resources:



Mental/Emotional Toxins

  • Financial: Many of us feel pressure to make the holidays feel a certain way for our family. A lot of the time, that means finding the perfect gift for a partner/family member or having multiple presents for our children to open. However, these past few years have been …an experience to remember. We’re living in a weird world and inflation hurts. While rent is the highest it’s ever been and organic groceries are a luxury, there are pain points for all of us and money does not grow on trees. But money also does not equal happiness. Rather, practice gratitude for all that we do have. Place heavier importance on creating memories through experiences with your loved ones. Some ideas for a low cost gift of experience: game night/tournament, obstacle course for kids, get out in nature - go hiking, go for a walk on the beach, go somewhere new - then make a collage/album.                    
  • Relationships: Holidays often mean family gatherings or parties. Sometimes, there may be a particular person who always has something negative to say, or always publicly embarrasses you, or just leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. This holiday season, practice grace. Give them grace because their negativity stems from somewhere. Whatever the reason may be, also give yourself grace: allow yourself to feel the emotions, give yourself the choice to how you want to react, and if you’re already dreading the interaction, give yourself the gift of absence.

I hope these tips were of some value: take what you need, leave what you don’t. 

Thought of a great idea? Have a question? Let me know! I would love to hear from you and will personally respond. 

Have a Happy (NONTOXIC) Holiday!


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