
Showing posts from December, 2022

Christmas Trees: Real vs Fake?

 Let the debate begin!  There are varying opinions on this topic, so let’s review the facts… 🌲 🎄    REAL vs. FAKE   🎄  ðŸŒ² Q: Which tree is less toxic and which is more environmentally friendly?  Real Tree A real tree is usually the preferred choice for a nontoxic tree since it is nature’s creation and not a synthetic manmade product. There are a few caveats though! Trees can be sprayed with pesticides and antitranspirants which preserve the tree by preventing it from drying out too quickly. Another consideration is the possibility of mold. Those with sensitivities to mold might want to avoid getting a real tree. Remember that trees store CO2 and produce oxygen although there are emissions involved when farmers are transporting the trees. In addition, pets shouldn’t drink the water for the tree in case of pesticides or preservatives from the tree. They also shouldn’t eat the needles because they won’t break down in their stomach and could harm their intestines. Some vets suggest to c

Have a Happy (NONTOXIC) Holiday!!

  With the holidays upon us, I wanted to share some tips on how to have a nontoxic holiday season!  Now, I want to acknowledge that things that are toxic to your health come in many shapes and forms: chemicals in, on, and around you as well as things that are toxic to your emotional or mental health.  With that being said, let’s jump in! [For the TLDR people: Toxins - holiday lights (look for RoHS, wash your hands), decorations (nontoxic alternatives from nature/DIY), fragrance (opt for EO); Emotional Toxins - financial (practice gratitude, opt for experiences), relationships (practice grace for others and yourself)] How to have a Happy (NONTOXIC) Holiday! Toxins In/On/Around  Holiday Lights: These can contain PVC, lead, and antimony. Try to find RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant lights by looking at the sticker/label usually where it details the length, wattage, and if it’s Energy Star certified. Otherwise, take regular precautions and don’t let children play with