Christmas Trees: Real vs Fake?

 Let the debate begin! 

There are varying opinions on this topic, so let’s review the facts…

🌲 🎄  REAL vs. FAKE  🎄  🌲

Q: Which tree is less toxic and which is more environmentally friendly? 

Real Tree

A real tree is usually the preferred choice for a nontoxic tree since it is nature’s creation and not a synthetic manmade product. There are a few caveats though! Trees can be sprayed with pesticides and antitranspirants which preserve the tree by preventing it from drying out too quickly. Another consideration is the possibility of mold. Those with sensitivities to mold might want to avoid getting a real tree. Remember that trees store CO2 and produce oxygen although there are emissions involved when farmers are transporting the trees.

In addition, pets shouldn’t drink the water for the tree in case of pesticides or preservatives from the tree. They also shouldn’t eat the needles because they won’t break down in their stomach and could harm their intestines. Some vets suggest to create a barrier of protection using citrus fruits/peels since cats and dogs avoid them. Other holiday plants that are toxic to pets include poinsettias, amaryllis, mistletoe, and holly.

Fake Tree

A fake tree is made from either PVC (polyvinyl chloride), polyethylene, polypropylene, or a combination of these. The problem is that these materials can contain phthalates, lead, and flame retardants. A plus side is these materials are not prone to mold, but they can emit more VOCs. There also won’t be pine needles dropping or water for pets to accidentally consume although they still can chew on the branches. These trees also will never biodegrade so they will sit in a landfill for decades. There is also the consideration of the environmental impact of creating the trees plus the transportation (they are usually produced overseas).

If you do go for an artificial tree, opt for polyethylene and allow it to off-gas outside before bringing it inside. Also, plan on using it for several years to try to offset the environmental impact.

Some other Healthy Alternatives for trees…

  • Potted Plants with decorations
  • Tree branches arranged as a hanging wall tree with fairy lights - look on Pinterest!
  • Wood Christmas Tree Tabletop Decor 
  • Some people enjoy using Christmas Tree scented essential oils if they do not have a real tree

What are your thoughts?? Let me know in the comments!!


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